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Student Project

I will be creating and submitting a website from scratch to the Gutenberg Award Web development competition.

The Project was successful, I was able to create the desired theme for the site within the given time. If I had more work I would try and design the layout slightly differently to create a more art themed website.

Client Project

My group and I will be creating a website for a client. We must create an e-commerce website for a watch store in Barrington.

The Project had some difficulties, as we switched over to using wordpress to create our site, but we were able to overcome the issues and create a more professional site than my last project. If we had more time we would want to add more products to the shop page, as long as we could get better images for our products and better descriptions.

Community Service Project

My group and I are creating a community service project to raise awareness for stray dogs and dog shelters

The project was mostly successful, we had hoped to create more in the game but ended up making a side-scroller "adventure" game where the Character collects items to build a dog shelter, which at the end if enough items are collected the game ends with a win screen, and if not then a lose screen.


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